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Episode 95: Revelation

In the dark alley, Fannia and Donnaught found a pile of baskets and crates. Quickly, they jumped into the pile and hid in the shadow.

Moments later, a team of four warriors walked through the alley. They walked right by without seeing the two in hidng.

As soon as the warriors are out of the alley, Fannia whispers, "You noticed that they weren't slithering their own throats?"

"Yeah. So? They became smarted?"

"No. They only suicide when they are about five feet from their enemy. If they don't see us, they won't kill themselves."

"Oh. We can sneak back to the ship."

"It won't be easy. And we'll have to do it before daybreak; they'll surely find us in the daylight."


Sneak around the alleys.
Sneak into an empty hut.


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