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Episode 1648: The Vampire Teenager

You are a vampire; a blood sucking fiend of the night who is supposed to prey on humans. You are appear to be a seventeen year old boy who couldn't hurt a fly, which helped you kill many before. But now, you are fighting a never ending battle to feed off animal blood and live a normal life. The man, evidently influenced by the alcohol in his system, looks at you up and down before laughing.

"What are you doing here kid? Shouldn't you be at home, asking mummy to make you dinner?" the man laughed out loud again, with a few others who were listening smirking slightly. You sign slightly, thinking about how your age has always made things difficult for you. If only people like this drunk man knew the truth.


If only he knew that you are actually the first vampire.
If only he knew that you are actually 568 years old.
If only he knew that you are actually 260 years old


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