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Episode 72: Looming Doom

Donnaught and Fannia decides to take a nap. It will take a few hours before getting to their destination. There is no point staring at empty space.

As they sleep soundly to the soft humming of the transmission, they dreamed of a paradise world filled with no worries, but pleasant trees, friendly natives, and all you can eat exotic fruits. But they could hear an alarming beep in the atmosphere this paradise world.

Suddenly, Donnaught wakes up to the closing distance alarm. He wakes up Fannia and says, "We've arrived."

Fannia kept his eyes open, but said, "That didn't feel as long as it should have. How long have we been asleep"."

Donnaught says, "looks like we've been sleeping for three hours."

"That doesn't sound right," Fannia muttered. "Based on my distance calculation, we should be able to get around eight hours of sleep."

Before long, Donnaught saw a frantic Fannia jump out of bed and ran out of the bunk into the control room. So Donnaught ran after him.

"What the @#$%^&*!" Fannia yelled while pulling his hair out and stomping his feet. "We are in the Hatterfield plantery System. You doomed us!"

Donnaught looked at the control panel and observed that the distance calculator is right next to the course setting input panel. "Whoa! Wait a minute. You probably bumped the buttons when you were doing the distance calculation over my shoulder."

The proceeded to bicker back and fourth for the next 15 minutes.


Stop bickering and calculate correction course for the Cascella plantery System.
Stop bickering and see how many planets are in the Hatterfield plantery System.


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