Episode 373: Dangerous Chemical
Now here's a likely-looking poison," Hellman said, half an hour later.
Casker had recovered completely, except for an occasional twitch of the lips.
"What does it say?" he asked.
Hellman rolled a tiny tube in the palm of his hand. "It's called Pvastkin's Plugger. The label reads: warning! highly dangerous! pvastkin's plugger is designed to fill holes or cracks of not more than two cubic vims. however�the plugger is not to be eaten under any circumstances. the active ingredient, ramotol, which makes pvastkin's so excellent a plugger renders it highly dangerous when taken internally."
"Sounds great," Casker said. "It'll probably blow us sky- high."
"Do you have any other suggestions?" Hellman asked.
Casker thought for a moment. The food of Helg was obviously unpalatable for humans. So perhaps was their poison ... but wasn't starvation better than this sort of thing?