Episode 19: A Job
He said, "Maybe you guys better let me in on what's this all about."
Reston-Farrell said, "Mr. Prantera, we have brought you from your era to perform a task for us."
Joe stared at him, and then at the other. He couldn't believe he was getting through to them. Or, at least, that they were to him.
Finally he said, "If I get this, you want me to do a job for you."
"That is correct."
Joe said, "You guys know the kind of jobs I do?"
"That is correct."
"Like hell you do. You think I'm stupid? I never even seen you before." Joe Prantera came abruptly to his feet. "I'm gettin' outta here."
For the second time, Reston-Farrell said, "Where would you go, Mr. Prantera?"