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Episode 107: Saved by the Nurse

Joe feels excruciating pain as Dr. Crowe touches him in the head. But the desire to be healed is monumental. Joe braces for the pain, but it only raises in level, never decreasing. Joe falls to his knees screaming.

A nurse walks in watching the doctor pushing on the wound and screams, "What the hell are you doing?"

Dr. Crowe spins around, pulls out a handgun with silencer, and shoots the nurse, staining her scrub in red. Her hands comes up to shoulder height. She looks down at her stomach with wide-eyes and open mouth. Before she can scream, she crumbles to the floor.

As the dizziness subsides, Joe sees the nurse collapsing from behind Dr. Crowe's legs. With Dr. Crowe distracted, Joe sees his chance!


Attack Dr. Crowe.
Do nothing.
Headbutt Dr. Crowe in the crotch.
Snatch the gun from Dr. Crowe's hands and shoot him.
Reason with Dr. Crowe to put the gun down.


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