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Episode 4: The Kill

You decide to use stealth. You army crawl to the building, using your ghillie suit to your advantage. You then climb up the side of the balcony. When you get to the balcony, you grab him. You pull him over and silently kill him. You drop his dead body into the bush below.

You sneak into the building. The guards are patrolling the mansion. As one walks by, you take cover behind the archway, jump out behind him and snap his neck. You take his silenced Glock. As you get to the front door, a guard sees you. You take cover and shoots him in the head with the Glock. You then place some C4 on his dead body. You run out of the front door. As you run, you press the button, blowing up Danny's whole mansion.

All you need to do now is get Wyatt.


Drive to Wyatt's house.


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luke motta