Asteroid Moira
Asteroid Moira, is, in actuality, one of the gigantic mineral creatures which inhabited a planet before it exploded, forming the asteroids. Somehow it survived the catastrophe, and, forming a hard, crustaceous shell about itself, has continued to live in space as an asteroid. It is apparently highly intelligent and has acquired an appetite for human flesh.

Read The Beast of Space short story for more backgrounds about the Asteroid Moira.
Singing Spheres
The singing spheres, that roam inside the asteroid, act as the creature's sensory organs. They are separated from the body and given locomotion. It uses these to lure victims into its stomach.
Read The Beast of Space short story for more backgrounds about its sensory organs.
Read The Beast of Space short story for more backgrounds about its stomach.

A small, oddly canine-like creature with telepathic powers, a space-dweller which men found when first they came to the asteroids. The relationship between spacehounds and men was much the same as between man and dog in the old, earthbound days. With those large, incredibly hard claws, designed for rooting in the metal make-up of the asteroids for vital elements, the spacehound could easily have shredded the man's spacesuit and helmet, could, at any time, tear huge chunks out of men's fine ships.
Read The Beast of Space short story for more backgrounds about the Spacehound.