
Neo-Nin are people with special ability called Smit. The ability, Smit, allows them to increase or decrease their attribute(s) for a short period of time. They are generally rogue-like people who kept to the underground. Their main means of survival is doing jobs for others using their special talent, Smit. The phenomenal talent was originally discovered by an Englishman, Thomas Smith. He named the talent under his last name but striped the 'h'. He found that he was able to transfer the ability to someone else without losing the ability himself. During the time of his discovery, he was a small time underground junk dealer. With the transferring ability, he started a small underground clan composed of people whom he transferred his talent to. However, the clan is indisciplined. And with Thomas Smith as a leader, it lacked any sort of structure integrity.
Smit Powers
Increase Attribute: This is a Smit spell to increase any attribute of the character casting the spell. When this spell is cast, the selected character attribute will increase. For every power point spent on this spell, the attribute will increase by that amount. Additional power points can be used to increase the chance of successfully casting the spell. The final percentage determines how long the effect will last in minutes.
Decrease Attribute: This is just the opposite of the previous power. When this spell is cast, the selected character attribute will decrease. For every power point spent on this spell, the attribute will decrease by that amount. Additional power points can be used to increase the chance of successfully casting the spell. The final percentage determines how long the effect will last in minutes.
Transfer Ability: This is a special spell to transfer any of the three Smit abilities to another person without the spell caster losing the abilities. To use this spell, the caster must be touching the recipient of the power. The process takes 10 minutes. During this time, the character will have the choice of transferring one, two, or three power. Transferring one power requires half of the caster's maximum power points. Transferring two powers requires three-fourth of the caster's maximum power points. And transferring all three powers requires all of the caster's maximum power points. After transferring the powerss, both the caster and the recipient will be tired, requiring to rest for 1D6 × 10 minutes.