Anson Drake
(Character from the "Heist Job on Thizar" short story.)

He had no business displaying himself in public on the planet Thizar; there were influential Thizarians who held no love for a certain Earthman named Anson Drake.
It didn't particularly bother him; life was danger and danger was life to him, and Anson Drake was known on half a hundred planets as a man who could take care of himself.
He had a nemisis named, Viron Belgezad. Some years before, a narcotics gang had been smashed high, wide, and handsome on Thizar. Three men had died from an overdose of their own thionite drug, and fifty thousand credits of illicit gain had vanished into nowhere. The Thizarian police didn't know who had done the job, and they didn't know who had financed the ring.
But Belgezad knew that Anson Drake was the former, and Drake knew that Viron Belgezad was the latter. And each one was waiting his chance to get the other.
Status | Attributes | ||
Age Education Gender Height Weight |
33 x Male 5' 6" 140 pounds |
Beauty Charisma Coordination Endurance Health Intelligence Luck Reflex Power Speed Strength Stress Wisdom |
x x x x x x x x x x x x x |
Actions Power Points Toughness |
x x x |
Level Experience |
1 0 |
Professions | Level | Experience | |
x | 0 | 0 | |
x | 0 | 0 | |
Skills | Percentage | ||
x | x |